problems of african traditional religion

problems of african traditional religion

He argues that this attitude has shaped the development of modern Western science and technology, which have posed threats to our environment. This has not been enough and thus why there are many challenges encountered when religious traditions are trying to address the issues of ecology in the 21st century. Islamic influence is, in fact, revealed both at the explicit and suggestive levels in languages as different as the Berber dialects, Hausa, Swahili, and Somali to name just a few. This caused many African Christians to return to traditional ways of resolving issues. This is because Christians traditions has been identified being ambiguous and ambivalent with regard to the natural world. 1, Hutchison, 1913, p.xll. In the United States Vudon is more predominant in the states along the Gulf of Mexico. African traditional societies are rich in indigenous knowledge systems that Asoanya (2011) while defining the term ecology adds that ecology based on the old fashioned name Oecologie appeared around the late 1890’s derived from Greek prefix eco which means house or dwelling place. - Completely free - with ISBN The aspect becomes a social norm in the society with diversity and multi-religious ideology that cannot respect ecological principles. Religions thus situate humans in relation to both the natural and human worlds with regard to meaning and responsibility that human beings are supposed to deal with. Some sacred or holy locations for traditional religions include Nri-Igbo, the Point of Sangomar, Yaboyabo, Fatick, Ife, Oyo, Dahomey, Benin City, Ouidah, Nsukka, Kanem-Bornu, Igbo-Ukwu, and Tulwap Kipsigis, among others. According to Asoanya (2011), the influence of people’s views of nature has been inconsistent. Because religion is a way of life, it relates to culture and society as they affect the worldview of the African … inconsistently used African Traditional Religion and African Religion, while Onibere insisted on African Indigenous Religion. Population of the planet is reaching unsustainable levels as it faces shortage of resources like water, fuel and food. African Traditional Religion is the traditional religion of the African people before the coming of Islam and Christianity. This is largely because cosmology and beliefs are intricately intertwined with the natural phenomena and environment. For the Kikuyu, according to their primary supreme creator, Ngai, acting through the lesser deities, is believed to speak to and be capable of guiding the virtuous person as one's conscience. If ignored today, these ill effects are sure to curb human existence in the near future. Since Africa is a large continent with many ethnic groups and cultures, there is not one single technique of casting divination. The story of Noah and the flood illustrates God's concern for all creatures because it states that God made the covenant not just with human beings but with "every living thing" and that God desires all creatures to "be fruitful and multiply." The beliefs and practices of the traditional religions in Africa can enrich Christian theology and spirituality." Even though Berry had no idea about African original beliefs that went on fading with time, this concept is very much applicable where stewardship is perceived as slavery. However, the missionaries of the two foreign religions succeeded in converting some African people to the new religions. But same human being according to me is the stabling block towards addressing ecological issues. This makes it difficult for specifics traditions to be put into practice when addressing ecological issues in the 21st century. "Explicitly This places human being into the receiving end to benefit and rule the creation. African Traditional Religion (ATR) or African Religion in this paper gave meaning and a sense of purpose to all aspects of thought and action (cf. According to Gottlieb and Mbiti: The environment and nature are infused in every aspect of traditional African religions and culture. This is one of the key stumbling blocks in addressing the ecological issues. 5.2.2 Manifestations of African beliefs and practices within a counselling relationship 123 . Fossil fuel consumption results in emission of Greenhouse gases, which is responsible for global warming and climate change. But the relationship between religion and environments seems to be deteriorating where environmental conservation on biblical principles are facing challenges due to issues such as pollution: Pollution of air, water and soil require millions of years to recoup. Traditional healers are common in most areas, and their practices include a religious element to varying degrees. - Every paper finds readers. However, as our environment changes, so does the need to become increasingly aware of the problems that surround it. [34] Some recognize a dual god and goddess such as Mawu-Lisa. This is where the environment is viewed in the mirror of the creator and called the “mother”. In African traditional life, the individual is immersed in religious participation that starts before birth and continues after death. The Benin Monarchy, Olokun & Iha Ominigbon. [31], When this trance-like state is witnessed and understood, adherents are privy to a way of contemplating the pure or symbolic embodiment of a particular mindset or frame of reference. To me having seen the above samples of ecological issues, it is very essential and very appropriate that a theology of environment based on religious traditions should first try to deal with the above challenges towards saving the earth from major environmental issues. The first is that the context of this article is sub-Sahara Africa. But today the biggest challenge in the 21st century on the environmental crisis is in Africa. The paper will summarize the challenges faced by religious tradition in combating ecological issues. These are some of the philosophical religious currents concerning the imperfection of the world, the body and the nature. Every aspect of it cannot be described as original. Religious traditions are unable to differentiate the matters of science and religious beliefs that help her adherence to take care of the environment. Peavy, D., (2016). We cannot avoid mentioning the urban mass movement: Urban sprawl refers to migration of population from high density urban areas to low density rural areas which results in spreading of city over more and more rural land. Therefore nature is seen in this light as a revelatory context for orienting humans to abiding religious questions regarding the cosmological origins of the universe, the meaning of the emergence of life, and the responsible role of humans in these life processes. It is worth pointing out that Christian’s tradition is fraught with a mix of negative and positive motifs: disdain for the body, the earth, and the matter and desire for pure transcendence and spiritualization; incarnational , resurrection, eschatological thoughts that incorporate flesh and spirit, creation and cosmic destiny. African traditional religion refers to the indigenous or autochthonous religions of the African people. This is what might have caused the challenges faced by Christianity as a religion in addressing ecological issues. It is in this respect ecosystem which is the bedrock of ecological issues is facing great challenge today. 2 E. B. Idowu, African Traditional Religion, S.C.M., 1973, p.87. All of this is attributed to the influence of Judeo-Christian conceptions of creation . European Christian missionaries from 16th century onwards see African religions as demonic, primitive, evil & stupid • 2. One of the key difficult faced by religion in addressing ecological issues on the foundation of Christianity is, the wrong and foundational teachings concerning the environment that were not given adequate attention in early times. Encyclopædia Britannica, (2003), Index of African mythology and creation narratives, List of African deities and mythical figures, Traditional African Religion and other religions, Persecution of traditional African religion, "The world of spirits and the respect for nature: towards a new appreciation of animism", "Animism: Foundation of Traditional Healing in Sub-Saharan Africa", What is religion? And African citizens will have to create the popular pressure that pushes African governments towards these necessary changes. Globally, people are taking efforts to shift to renewable sources of energy like solar, wind, biogas and geothermal energy. The practice of casting may be done with small objects, such as bones, cowrie shells, stones, strips of leather, or flat pieces of wood. It is the intention of this paper in later details here below shall choose to reflect on a few of religion of which Christianity will be drawn out of the above and I will purpose to pick African tradition religion that I get to know from my native continent. This is also pointed out by Berry while quoting Lynn White(1967). 1. This study sought to establish the extent to which African Traditional Religion is taught in primary schools, the challenges faced by teachers, and opportunities for promoting its teaching. For the sake of this paper, ecological issues tend locate human being within the horizon of environment. Population explosion in less developed and developing countries is straining the already scarce resources. Ancestors (ancestral ghosts/spirits) are an integral part of reality. Life, death, and rebirth in the natural world are frequently symbolized in religious traditions. The Arabic language has provided abstract concepts, particularly religious ones, that reveal Islamic modes of thought and expression. In addition there is a sizable number of adherents in African-influenced religions in And we agree with Professor Idowu that the purpose of the study should be: This shows that there is a strong link between religion and ecology. This may be a limiting or liberating experience. Umewaen: Journal of Benin & Edoid Studies: Osweego, NY. The African Religion. Religions in Africa have also not been able bring forth justice, reconciliation and peace in Africa. There are generally no prohibitions against the practice. The anthropocosmic impulse is for rationality, intimacy, and communion with this numinous reality. In this essay will try to define the terms “religious traditions” and “ecological issues”. This page was last edited on 21 December 2020, at 00:40. The maintenance of this balance and harmony is humanity’s greatest ethical obligation and determines the quality of life (Magesa 1997:73). It is the most popular for decoration and can often be seen printed on cloth or stamped on pottery.The rapid spread of Pentecostal Christianity and fundamentalist Islam has greatly affected the role of indigenous religion in African society. While some traditions have a supreme being (next to other deities), others have not. This current global trend is the dilemma in which religious traditions finds themselves today. It is at this point that we see both biblical and historical analysis necessitates the position and the roots of our ecological crisis. Therefore, as Mbiti has pointed out so well, the African religion “affects the [entire] African way of life” (Mbiti 1991:11). He also notes that most modern African folk religions were strongly influenced by non-African religions, mostly Christianity and Islam and thus may differ from the ancient forms. This is where religious groups are advocating to save African continent from famine and diseases. Natural phenomena are responsible for providing people with their daily needs. Christians have deplorable view of nature. On my own understanding, religious traditions are thought of divine presence and purpose in nature and the cosmos, through with environmental issues in which they have been shaped by human beliefs and culture. The ecological Crisis in Africa as a Challenge to lating Cultural and Sustainable Development;a thelogical approach. This symbolic expression of nature in myth, beliefs and ritual practices and the understanding of divine nature are displayed in traditional practices of people as they interact with their divine God the “earth” which forms the basis of religious expressions. In this context ecological issue refers to the totality or pattern of relations between organisms and their environment. Therefore, it is the intention of this paper to discuss the problems and difficulties that religious traditions face when addressing problems related to ecological issues. According to Clemmont E. Vontress, the various religious traditions of Africa are united by a basic Animism. Ecological crisis such as population growth, land degradation, deforestation global warming has become an undisputed fact about our current livelihoods; our planet is warming up and we are definitely part of the problem. According to Merriam Webster dictionary, the term ecology is defined as a science that deals with the relationships between groups of living things and their environments. Olupona rejects the western/islamic definition of Monotheism or Polytheism and says that such concepts could not reflect the complex African traditions and are simplistic. The traditional African understanding and the interpretation of Christianity have deep roots in these fundamental beliefs of the African traditional religions. African traditional religions were particularly vulnerable during the earlier phases of Christian and Muslim missionary activity and colonization. The term anthropocosmic refers to the linkage in which the microcosm of the individual is connected to the larger human community and to the macrocosm of the universe itself. The best interpreter of African Religion is the African with a disciplined mind and the requisite technical tools. So the area of teachings that it is in God’s will that man exploit nature for his proper end has contributed to our present predicament which makes its difficult for religious tradition to conflict with ecological issues. Encyclopædia Britannica. Also religious beliefs and traditions are at the crossroad in the modern world of secularization. This awareness of the interdependence of life in religious ecology finds expression in the religious traditions as a sacred reality that is often recognized as a creative manifestation, a pervasive sustaining presence and a vital power in the natural world leading to the realization of inter-being. Majority of cities are experiencing this situation, where the ever growing demand of land displaces natural environment consisting of flora and fauna. He summarize that traditional African religions are not only religions, but a worldview, a way of life. Its interaction with African traditional religions is therefore governed by the tension between its supra-ethnic universality of its umma and the ethnocentrism of African traditional religion. Ancestors can offer advice and bestow good fortune and honor to their living dependents, but they can also make demands, such as insisting that their shrines be properly maintained and propitiated. According to Zuma the nature and the value system of the traditional courts of promoting social cohesion and reconciliation must be recognized and strengthened in the laws. The continued influence of traditional African religion is also evident in some aspects of daily life. Due to the pluralistic nature of African-traditional religions, African spirituality has always been able to adapt to change and allow itself to absorb the wisdom and views of other religions. This belief, just as in the case of the previous one, has a theological basis – the plurality of divinities ( polytheism ). A traditional African practitioner would have no need to ascribe to any one “religion” in that there would no conflict in his mind between his traditional African spirituality and another faith for they would not be mutually exclusive. There are also religions with a single Supreme being (Chukwu, Nyame, Olodumare, Ngai, Roog, etc.). However an erudite and acclaimed Professor of African religion, late Dopamu was consistent in the use of the term African Religion with the acronym “Afrel”20. In this article, African Re-ligions. The other challenge that religious traditional, in particular, Christianity may face is the interpretation of the bible. [16], Animism builds the core concept of traditional African religions, this includes the worship of tutelary deities, nature worship, ancestor worship and the belief in an afterlife. In some traditional African religions, morality is associated with obedience or disobedience to God regarding the way a person or a community lives. One religious ceremony practiced in Gabon and Cameroon is the Okuyi, practiced by several Bantu ethnic groups. It is at this point that Berry (2006),when addressing ecological implications on stewardship, noted that, humanity evolved within the natural world. African Traditional Religions. Religious traditions and ecological issues have been the key features of human affairs and the leading issues in the contemporary society, attracting the attention of the global society. To me the ecological concept of the natural world is built on theological aspect of creation, where the earth is the foundation of humanity. Because of their livestock to boys, girls will be responsible for the firewood and water, while children hunting, girls will improve the strength in mainly the cooking. Therefore, human beings are treated above the nature and this breaks the relationship. Since Christianity came in contact with the traditional religion, there has always been a sharp conflict between traditionalists and Christians. Consistent aspects of the traditional African religion are the belief in a supreme creator-god, belief in traditional medicine and magic, and a belief in spirits, especially those of ancestors who have passed away. The ideas that God is the source of all life, that creation is good, that human beings are connected to the earth, and that God is concerned for all creatures strongly suggest that we are to value and respect the earth and its many forms of life. [30], West and Central African religious practices generally manifest themselves in communal ceremonies or divinatory rites in which members of the community, overcome by force (or ashe, nyama, etc. Based on the above discussion in view of the current ecological crisis, it is worth noting that religious traditions have a common denominator on the difficulties and challenges in which religious groups finds themselves on matters of dealing with ecological issues. This is where religious groups are advocating to save African continent from famine and diseases. I mentioned earlier matters of environmental pollution on both living things and non-living things. S. Mbiti, John (1991). Religious traditions are seen in the view of Christianity, that both attitudes and man’s relation to nature is affecting the ecology. The sub topic discussed here, will briefly asses the “conflict” between religious tradition and ecology. A traditional African practitioner would have no need to ascribe to any one “religion” in that there would no conflict in his mind between his traditional African spirituality and another faith for they would not be … The other crisis is seen as a result of overpopulation. This accounts for the varying figures that are sometimes seen in . African Traditional Religion influences every area of an African life. I wish to point out that for many religions, the natural world is understood as a source of teaching, guidance, visionary inspiration, revelation of power about the supernatural being who is the source of beliefs system. Global warming is the result of human practices like emission of Greenhouse gases. African religious beliefs were very much attached to the nature. The African religion was condemned by the Early European scholars, travelers, investigators and missionaries. So religions are trying to see that human beings ought to regard the nature as the home of man through sustainability of the earth as a moral concern. While discussing the issue of humanity in nature, Berry (2006) commented that Homo sapiens can be taken as myriad creatures in relation to human beings and the natural world. In this state, depending upon the region, drumming or instrumental rhythms played by respected musicians (each of which is unique to a given deity or ancestor), participants embody a deity or ancestor, energy or state of mind by performing distinct ritual movements or dances which further enhance their elevated consciousness. The ancestors are generally believed to reside in an ancestral realm (spiritworld), while some believe that the ancestors became equal in power to deities.[29]. [26][20][21][27], Traditional African medicine is also directly linked to traditional African religions. This is taking human being as a mere animal which is not true. Gradually things have changed as a result of increase of human being in terms population causing a great harm and violence against environment. 3. The African traditional During these events usually an offering is made to honour, please and thank the ancestors. Britannica Book of the Year 2003. The traditionalist performs some ritualistic ceremonies before burying a dead person. Peavy, D., (2009). Religions link humanity to the rhythms of nature through the use of symbols and rituals that help to establish moral relationships and patterns for social exchange. In traditional African societies, many people seek out diviners on a regular basis. ), are excited to the point of going into meditative trance in response to rhythmic or driving drumming or singing. One of the best ways is to deal with it religiously, but the problem is that, our current planet earth has a natural environment, known as ‘Ecosystem’ which includes all humans, plant life, mountains, glaciers, atmosphere, rocks, galaxy, massive oceans and seas. Traditional African religion and culture is passed on from parents to children through stories. The other area of conflict between the two is man’s understanding of the relationship between self and cosmos. The issues I presented earlier in this paper that are currently affecting the world concerning ecological crisis are very much evident in the contemporary society. This is in the interpretation of the bible, the issues of moral responsibility and the stewardship. This is what made scholars such as Mbiti (1969,p.1), Parrinder (1954,p.9) and Mugambi (1995) conclude that Africans are notoriously, incurably and reputably religious respectively. [18], Traditional African religions can be broken down into linguistic cultural groups, with common themes. The coexistence of Islam and African traditional religion has cultural and linguistic implications as well. Issues in African traditional religion by Christopher I. Ejizu, unknown edition, High temperatures encourage the spread of infectious diseases like plengue. 13 numbers of adherents of African religion. This brought together representatives from five of the world’s major religions to discuss religion and nature. This interweaving of cosmological religious thought and environmental issues are seen below in the definition of the term ecological issues. A descriptive survey design was used. To this effect therefore, I have indicated clearly the difficulties of religious traditions in addressing the ecological issues. Finally as an African priest, therefore, a leader who accepts that the continent needs an awakening to its values as part of the larger cosmos, the writer feels that sifting through the hidden traditional African religious experiences one might discover something that will help the continent solve its problems, especially economic problems. African Traditional Religion is the traditional religion of the African people before the coming of Islam and Christianity. In conclusion, this essay has sought to discuss the challenges faced by religious tradition in addressing ecological issues. A belief in ancestors also testifies to the inclusive nature of traditional African spirituality by positing that deceased progenitors still play a role in the lives of their living descendants. Conflict is a universal phenomenon that is inevitable in human interaction. Since it is a religion practised by living persons today, changes are to be expected. ), World Christian Encyclopedia, summarized here, "Ancient African Religion Finds Roots In America", "The Need to Re-Conceptualize African Traditional Religion", The Civilizations of Africa: A History to 1800, Black God: the Afroasiatic roots of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religions, Sayings of the Ancient One - Wisdom from Ancient Africa,,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with dead external links from October 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Manjonjo Healers of Chitungwiza of Zimbabwe, Information presented here was gleaned from, Chidester, David. The traditional African religions or traditional beliefs and practices of African people are a set of highly diverse beliefs that includes various ethnic religions. It is of vital to point out that, it is becoming increasingly difficult to separate religion and environment. Traditional African religion is a way of life in which ancestors are part of every major event such as wedding, births and deaths as well as less important ones such as getting a job and finishing university. It suggests as well that human interaction with the sacred often occurs in and through nature and the larger cosmos. The third level in African Traditional Religion is the earthly tier, which is the functionaries who are responsible for maintaining the harmony, balance, and order in the African traditional system. This degradation of the nature and the environment caused by uncontrolled exploitation of nature due to increased population, desertification, and deforestation has both caused havoc on our planet Earth. An African understanding, The List: The World's Fastest-Growing Religions, "US study sheds light on Africa's unique religious mix", Ian S. Markham,(A World Religions Reader. Virtue in traditional African religion is often connected with carrying out obligations of the communal aspect of life. To me this is what I may refer to as the ecological crisis in the 21st century. One major difference between conventional, Western medicine and traditional African medicine, is the way of viewing illnesses and their treatments .Unlike its Western counter-part, traditional African medicine is said to take a holistic approach, which is based on the premise of interconnectedness, and often includes indigenous herbalism in its treatment. Traditional African religion is based on oral traditions, which means that the basic values and way of life are passed from elders to younger generation. To start with is the current situation into which the Planet Earth is ; the planet is poised at the brink of a severe environmental crisis. The religion of the Yoruba is finding roots in the Islands of the Caribbean and portions of Central and South America. 2 Wrong ideas: African Religion is ancestor worship. Although African traditional religion is not against a Western medical way of This has however not … This dare challenge is one of the contemporary issue that religious traditions need to address for the betterment of humanity. So there are many implications on the challenges of religious beliefs and practices that are affecting the natural world. It deals with their cosmology, ritual practices, symbols, arts, society and so on .because religion is a way of life, it relates to culture and society as they affect the worldview of the African people. Overpopulation is one of the crucial current environmental problems. According to Christians traditional arguments, the bible is viewed has one of the tool that has helped towards nurturing the exploitation of nature. The other difficult is where religious tradition perceived that nature is the enemy. In recent times, traditional religions, such as the Yoruba religion, are on the rise. African world view, ‘all life is religion’(Farrington 1998:16). In African context, the issues of beliefs tied to myths “mythology” like the bible are the foundation of the creation and the supernatural being the creator. Thus, strictly speaking, religion in its pristine form is no longer in existence. If religion is a western concept that has been used to shore up the authority of the colonial and sovereign state, through shifting, arbitrary demarcations between “religion” tradition, culture, reason, and the nation, then scholars should be wary of treating it as a stable, coherent object of academic study. The role of humanity is generally seen as a result of religious traditions are at the heart of of! A circle ) role of humanity is generally seen as a mere animal which is the that. 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