icse english made easy act 1 scene 1

icse english made easy act 1 scene 1

ISC Tempest by Shakespeare play Explanation, Act-wise/Scene-wise summary, Important Questions & Answers, Extract-based questions etc. Antonio only offers this in the exaggeration of speech, but the events of the drama make it come literally true, extremest : utmost resources, unlock’d to your occasions : open to your every need. Exeunt. Answer : Salarino described the ships as being like huge parade of floats on the sea. ANTONIO : You know me well, and waste time here To twist a story about my friendship with examples; And, no doubt, you insult me By questioning the limits of my friendship As if you had wasted everything I have. We also learn of Portia’s interest in Bassanio. i) Where are Portia and Nerissa? LORENZO : My Lord Bassanio, since you have found Antonio,We’ll leave you; but, at dinner time, Please remember where we’re meeting. His … He has shared his answers to various questions on Merchant of Venice: Act 1, Scene 1. I may neither choose whom I would, nor refuse whom I dislike; so is the will of a living daughter curbed by the will of a dead father. BASSANIO : Good gentlemen, when are we getting together? Act 1, Scene 1, Page 5 115 THESEUS I must confess that I have heard so much And with Demetrius thought to have spoke thereof, But being overfull of self-affairs, Bassanio explains that he's fallen in love with Portia, a rich woman living in Belmont. Filed Under: ICSE Tagged With: answers of merchant of venice workbook, figures of speech used in merchant of venice, ICSE Merchant of Venice Questions and Answers Pdf, merchant of venice questions and answers pdf, merchant of venice short Summary, merchant of venice workbook answers act 1 scene 2, Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers pdf summary of merchant of venice, Merchant of Venice Workbook Questions and Answers, ICSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10, figures of speech used in merchant of venice, ICSE Merchant of Venice Questions and Answers Pdf, merchant of venice questions and answers pdf, merchant of venice workbook answers act 1 scene 2, Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers pdf summary of merchant of venice, Merchant of Venice Workbook Questions and Answers, Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions, Concise Chemistry Class 10 ICSE Solutions, Concise Mathematics Class 9 ICSE Solutions, 10 Lines on World Refugee Day for Students and Children in English, 10 Lines on World Sickle Cell Day for Students and Children in English, 10 Lines on Global Day of Parents for Students and Children in English, 10 Lines on World Bicycle Day for Students and Children in English, 10 Lines on World Milk Day for Students and Children in English, 10 Lines on World Hypertension Day for Students and Children in English, What Is Heating Effect Of Electric Current, Methods Of Separation Of Substances Under Wet Conditions, 10 Lines on International Day of Families for Students and Children in English. Commentary on Act 1, Scene 2 Act one scene two of the play “The Tempest” is strikingly opposite to that of the first scene with its quiet and repose. Gratiano replied that then his role would be that of a clown who would try to cheer him up. Answer : Antonio was sad and his friends were trying to get rid of his sadness. 1. I’m telling you about this childhood event, Because I say next is as pure and innocent. Nestor : was a Greek warrior. [Gratiano and Lorenzo exit.]. Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3, Scene 1. many Jasons : many suitors came, just as Jason come of old. In addition, the audience needs to know what events motivate Prospero’s decision to stir up the storm and why the men onboard the ship are his enemies — several share responsibility for Prospero’s isolation. William Shakespeare, "Merchant of Venice: Act 1, Scene 1," The Merchant of Venice, Lit2Go Edition, (1597), accessed December 24, 2020, ... What stuff 'tis made of, whereof it is born, I am to learn; ... and 'twere as easy For you to laugh and leap and say you are merry, Because you are not sad. Janus : He was the Roman God. I’d be Still plucking the grass to know where the wind blows, Looking over maps for ports and piers and roads; And every object that would make me afraid of Misfortune to my ships, Would make me sad without a doubt. Answered by Expert ICSE IX English difference between Antonio's melancholy in Act 1 Scene 1 and Portia's in Act 1 Scene 2 in merchant of venice 22222222. We can also infer that he was a fun loving character who did not believe in sitting idle and wasting life over trivial matters. Or going to one place, and my whole estate is not Based on the fortune of this present year; So, my shipments don’t make me sad. English Maths Physics Chemistry Biology. Act 2 : Scene 1, Scene 2, Scene 3, Scene 4, Scene 5, Scene 6, Scene 7, Scene 8, Scene 9. Act 1, scene 2 Analysis Prospero tells Miranda their history as a way to inform the audience of this important information. Workbook Answers/ Solutions of The Merchant of Venice, Act 3 Scene 1: In this post, we will provide you complete details about the famous play “Merchant of Venice” Act 3 Scene 1 by Shakespeare. Antonio’s ships are said to present such a spectacle, overpeer: literally “peer over,” or ‘look over the top of.” petty traffickers : unimportant trading ships, curt’sy : the manner in which the small and light ships pitch up and down on the waves while the larger ship, because of its greater weight, sweeps along steadily, woven wings : the sails of the ships are woven of canvas, and carry them along just like the wings of birds. I see your own business needs you, And you take this opportunity to leave. I owe you a lot, and, like a willful youth, I have lost what I owe you, but if you will please Lend me money in the identical way That you lent me the first money, I don’t doubt, As I’ll be more careful, to find both sums, Or I’ll bring your second loan back-again And just owe you thankfully for the first. If I had the mind To think about all this, and if I lacked the mind to see That such a thing could happen, wouldn’t it make me sad? English Maths Physics Chemistry Biology. ... or came by it, What stuff ’tis made of, whereof it is born, I am to learn. SALARINO : I‘d have stayed until ¡ had made you happy, If worthier friends hadn’t stopped me. Here comes Bassanio, your most noble relative, Gratiano, and Lorenzo. June 13, 2018 by Kalyan. Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 1 Scene 1 Passage Based Questions. In his early works, he made use of prose only in the comic dialogues of clowns and other humorous characters. His fellow : Here it means “a similar arrow.” of the self-same flight : “with equal range.” to find the other forth : the word forth will give the simplest meaning if we take it as going along, childhood proof : illustration from childhood, because what follows is pure innocence : Bassanio’s meaning is that he produces an illustration from the innocent days of his childhood, like a wilful youth : as is usually the case with a reckless youth, self way : “the same way”, or to find both : the or here is used in the sense of “either”, circumstance : hints, uttermost : my extreme efforts, may by me be done : is-possible for me to do. Act 1, Scene 1, lines 115-8. However in reality, he himself was not aware of the reason for such a state of his mind. His reasons are like two grains of wheat hidden In two bushels of cornhusks: you can look all day before you find them, and when you found that small quantity you have got us not worth. Believe me. If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels … ICSE X English act 1 ,scene 5 all the question answers Asked by ashlesharathore 28th September 2019 10:44 AM . spices : aromatic substances and perfumes such as cinammon, musk, etc. Act 1 : Scene 1, Scene 2, Scene 3. Original Text Act I Scene I. Free ICSE, NCERT, CBSE solutions for classes 1 to 12. He says that all his money was not dependent on ships and he might get through the year easily enough. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of The Merchant of Venice and what it means. Here’s a link to download the PDF file for the above-mentioned notes: How does he try to lift his spirits up? hold a rival place with : oppose them as a rival. (iv) In your own words, elaborate how Salarino has described the ships of Antonio. He would rather overload his liver with wine and act foolish than starve his heart by denying himself some fun. If I only had the means To compete with one of them, I have a mind that predicts such good luck for me That I will undoubtedly be a very lucky one. Bassanio admits to Antonio that he's trapped under a crippling debt - much of it to Antonio. I no question make : I have no doubt that I shall. GRATIANO : Well, keep me company for only two more years, and You’ll never know the sound of your own voice. Modern English / Act 1, Scene 1 ; ... A side-by-side translation of Act 1, Scene 1 of The Merchant of Venice from the original Shakespeare into modern English. Actually understand The Merchant of Venice Act 1, Scene 1. SALANIO : Not in love either? Notes. But don’t tell me; I know Antonio is sad to think about his shipments. Act 4 : Scene 1, Scene 2. Modern English Reading Act I Scene I. ANTONIO : Really, I don’t know why I’m so sad; It wearies me; you say it wearies you; But how I caught it, found it, or came by it, What it’s made of, where it started, I must find out; And sadness makes me so crazy That I don’t know who I am. English Maths Physics Chemistry Biology. Come, good Lorenzo. It wearies me : the sadness of which Antonio is complaining, it seems, is in bom. Wednesday, 28 June 2017. ICSE Solutions Selina ICSE Solutions ML Aggarwal Solutions. Act 1 Scene 1 Questions and Answers Question 1 : Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3, Scene 1 – ICSE Class 10 & 9 English. ICSE Solutions Selina ICSE Solutions ML Aggarwal Solutions. He asked why any living man should sit still like a statue and why he should sleep when he’s awake. ANTONIO : I appreciate your concern. He wanted to make his friend happy even if he had to act as a clown for it. Workbook Answers/Solutions of The Merchant of Venice, Act 4 Scene 1 Workbook Answers/Solutions of The Merchant of Venice, Act 4 Scene 1 . (iii) Does Antonio agree to the explanation given by Salarino? Original Text Act I Scene II. It was received by all without question, let no dog bark : let not even the lowest dare to interrupt, therefore only : solely on that account. He further says that he is so frankly saying these things to Antonio as he cares about him a lot and wants to make him happy. The wide world is not ignorant of her worth, Because the four winds blow in famous men who Want to marry her from every coast, and her golden curls Hang on her head like a golden fleece, Which makes Belmont, her home, a rich island in a lake, And many sailors and heroes come to find her. PASSAGE 1. ANTONIO : Goodbye, I’ll be a better talker by dinner. Read the full text of The Merchant of Venice Act 1 Scene 2 with a side-by-side translation HERE. Play the fool : Gratiano says that if Antonio has chosen to play a tragic part, he himself will prefer to have a comic role. But if they should speak, they would almost bring damnation or divine punishment on those who heard them,-for those who listened could not help saying ‘Fools! stream : sea. In sooth : truly. Certain men allow a grave look thus to form on their faces, do a wilful stillness entertain : and assume deliberately a pose of silence, with purpose : with the intention of. melancholy bait : by using melancholy just as an angler uses a bait on his hook to catch a fish, gudgeon : is a worthless and stupid fish, very easily caught, exhortation : sermon; good advice. ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions. Actually understand The Merchant of Venice Act 1, Scene 1. Answer : We can say that Antonio was in a depressed state because he himself confessed it. Introduction. Go now and ask where money can be found, and I will too, and I will not object to borrowing it on my account or in my name. disabled mine estate : reduced my resources; strained my means, something : to some extent; somewhat, swelling port: an appearance of wealth and ostentation, than my faint continuance : that my scanty income can enable to continue or keep up. Notes of The Merchant of Venice , Act II, Scene II The Merchant of Venice, Act II, Scene II. Well : tell me now, what lady is the same to whom you swore a secret pilgrimage, that you today promis’d to tell me of : Antonio’s words introduce Portia and prepare us for her appearance in Scene II. SALANIO : Believe me, sir, if I had such venture out there, The better part of my thoughts would Be with my hope of their safe arrival. We are delighted to share with you our very first ICSE Class 10 Notes for English Literature, contributed by our reader, Mr. Niloy Kumar Das. The Tempest: Act 5, Scene 1 Summary & Commentary Read More » The Tempest: Act 4, Scene 1 Summary & Commentary Plot Summary / The Story-line Act four scene one of The Tempest is a vigorous celebration scene where Prospero proposes Ferdinand to marry Miranda. Act 3 : Scene 1, Scene 2, Scene 3, Scene 4, Scene 5. Business was not making him sad. Here’s a link to download the PDF file for the above-mentioned notes: Question 2 : Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of The Merchant of Venice and what it means. Answer : Salarino found Antonio in a despondent state. Significance of the Scene. ANTONIO : I only think of the world as the world, Gratiano; A stage, where every man must play a part, And my part is a sad one. Fairer than that word : what is even better than the word “Fair,” fair speechless messages : silent glances which revealed her thoughts, nothing undervalued : in no way inferior to. The Merchant of Venice Act 1 Scene 1 ICSE Questions and Answers, CBSE Class 10 Science Questions and Answers. The Merchant of Venice is one of the masterpieces of arguably the best dramatist of all time, William Shakespeare. Notes. Comment. More : many, for this gear : Antonio is supposed to say humorously, “Well, you have converted me: I shall be a talker instead of a silent man.” in a neat’s tongue dried and a maid not vendible : “In a dried ox tongue ready for the table, or in a woman who has missed the chance of making a marriage.” infinte deal of nothing : a vast amount of nonsense, have therq, they aren’t worth the search. If a ship is aground and has rolled quite over, then the top of the mast may be lower than the sides, vailing : lowering, to kiss her burial : to kiss the sands in which she is buried, which touching but : which, if they only touch etc. Antonio’s role was to play a sad character and that was what he was doing. Generated By Harsh Kumar at March 09, 2017. LORENZO : OK, we’ll leave you then until dinner-time. SALARINO : Your mind is tossing on the ocean, Where your ships, with full sails —Like, gentlemen and rich citizens on the water, Or as if they were in a procession of the sea—Look over the minor merchants, That bow to them, pay them respect, As they fly by them with their woven wings. Then let’s say you are sad Because you are not happy ; and it’s easy to say that Because you laugh and leap and say you are happy, Because you are not sad. Here, the Answers are being described point to point so that you can grasp the whole play. Antonio assures Bassanio that he'll do anything he can to help. Respect upon the world : anxious thoughts concerning worldly affairs. BASSANIO : In Belmont, there is a rich heiress And she is beautiful and, more beautiful than that word, She has wonderful virtues. He was yet to learn what had made him so miserly. Shall I have the thought : shall my imagination make me think that such an unfortunate happening would make me sad. Read every line of Shakespeare’s original text alongside a modern English translation. plucking the grass : pluck a blade of grass, and hold it up in order to see from its movement the direction in which the wind is blowing, roads : a sheltered piece of water : where a ship can lie safe from storms, broth : a thick kind of soup, ague : fever which is accompanied by fits of shivering, sandy hour-glass : an apparatus consistsing of two glass bulbs or balls. You only have say to me what I should do That you think I can do, And I am committed to it; so, ask me. , Gratiano, and made her fall in love with I Scene I Merchant of Venice is one of same. Made him so miserly the people of “ vinegar aspect ” would refuse to in... 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