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Work on your spouse; even though s/he cheated and probably won't pull through, your loyalty lies with them. Aliens might not actually be real, but for the sake of this question, let's assume they are. Moral Dilemmas What would you do? Here's another interesting moral dilemma that you'll probably never have to face. Here's another interesting moral dilemma that you'll probably never have to face. Re-gifting is the process of getting a gift, and then giving that gift to someone else. Hmm? Pick Or Pass On These Wedding Dresses And We'll Tell You How Tacky You Are. If s/he dies, you will be able to save the other five patients by using the organs of patient 6, who is an organ donor. This is a really tough question, and one that a lot of people struggle with. Extreme scenarios to test what would you really do given the circumstance. Most of you probably have never dealt with this, but it's tough to figure out what to do next. You are a master of Photoshop. This is the last day of the carnival and it’s too far […] Have you ever taken a good look at yourself, and asked, "Am I a good person?" As you get out of the car, you are intercepted by a tearful woman who seems to think that she hit and killed the pedestrian. They are both gravely injured, your spouse's injuries the worst of them. Is this even moral? The sixth patient, however, will die without a particular medicine. Should i post any more? What kind of diet do you eat? Does this make any sense? You soon hear screams of distress and find them both caught in a strong current. But how we deal with bullying is what really defines us as people. And the worst possible outcome in this situation is getting fired. Discussing hypothetical moral dilemmas can help your child prepare and rehearse how to best handle such situations in real life. This might seem pretty wrong and immoral, but there are those who would argue that the system works. But you're about to be confronted with the possibility that you're actually a terrible person, and it's all because of this quiz. Pick Or Pass On These Engagement Rings And We'll Reveal Your Perfect Man, Pick Or Pass On These Makeup Looks And We'll Guess Your Age. b. the dilemma in question is merely apparent. Four Ethical Dilemmas Lying: A girl is taken to a carnival by her dad. Here's a pretty tough question that will really help you understand how tough it is to occupy a position of authority and be a law enforcement officer, especially in a time and place where there where towns were very secluded. Etik och moral är i grunden samma sak. Are we all terrible people?! d. there is a genuine moral dilemma, and it cannot be resolved without residue. Check your understanding of the definition and examples of a moral dilemma with an interactive quiz and printable worksheet. One day, your best friend's husband sends you a message asking you to release an email from quarantine. Question 33 You Have Been Drafted Into The Military. You are at your best friend's wedding just an hour before the ceremony is to start. But could you really let your parents die like that? In such situations, it is important for a student to choose between the two unpleasant situations, and … Say nothing since the money went to what you deem a good cause. (Source: Listverse), You are a doctor at a top hospital. But is this the right thing to do? Would they use nuclear weapons, forcing the surrender of Japan, or would they invade the country using a ground force, incurring thousands of casualties? Cheers for correcting me on my spelling earlier lol. While standing on the street, you see a crime: a man steals money from a bank. Have you ever encountered a situation where there seems to be no right or wrong? To send a message to all others who may try to escape, the guard orders you to pull the chair out from under your son; if you refuse, the guard will kill your son and another innocent person in the camp. Etiken har rötter många tusen år tillbaka i tiden. But it depends on your definition of what is right and what is wrong. (Source: Listverse), You are an EMT on the scene of a car crash that involves your spouse and the lover you didn't know s/he had. For example, this could be in times of war or a financial crash. Below is a personality assessment test that is designed to help you get a clear picture of what type of person you are based on the answers you give. Give it a try! Moral Dilemmas speaking activity Posted on August 3, 2015 by Gosia Kwiatkowska The aim of this speaking activity is for students to discuss what they would do facing different moral dilemmas . Test Your House Of Cards Knowledge With This Quiz! He doesn't have much time left. The following is a list of some moral dilemmas, mostly adapted from Moral Reasoning, by Victor Grassian (Prentice Hall, 1981, 1992), with some additions.Dilemmas from Grassian are given in his own words, with comments or alterations in brackets. Moral Dilemma Questions 1 Bank Robbery. Earlier that day, you came across definitive proof that your best friend's spouse-to-be is having an affair with the best man/maid of honor, and you catch them sneaking out of a room together looking disheveled. Socrates’ point is notthat repaying debts is without moral import; rather, he wants to showthat it is not always right to repay one’s debts, at least not exactlywhen the one to whom the debt is owed demands repayment. Who wouldn't want a perfect planet to live on. Once it becomes plain that your best friend found out about his cheating husband through a company email, all trails will inevitably lead to you as the leak. It's generally frowned upon because it shows that you didn't really appreciate that gift and you don't care about the person who gave it to you. What Will Your Future Hubby Look Like? (Source: Listverse), You are an eyewitness to a crime: A man has robbed a bank, but instead of keeping the money for himself, he donates it to a poor orphanage that can now afford to feed, clothe, and care for its children. Some Moral Dilemmas. This is an archive of moral & ethical discussion starters from the case files of Charis Denison, Prajna Consulting.It presents a variety of age-appropriate, real-life dilemmas that usually ignite intense student discussions. Students write what they would do in a particular situation and then compare their answers first with a partner and then with the rest of the class. What punishment is justifiable based on the extent of the theft? This requires you to open the email, at which point you discover that it's correspondence between this guy and his secret lover. What kind of crazy boss would do that? Driving is one of the biggest tests of a person's responsibility. What do you do? You figure that with 10 people in the boat, you can keep the boat afloat by having nine people scoop the filling water out by hand for 10 minutes while the 10th person rests. Imagine you have the choice between getting punched by a gorilla, or punching a small child. Just get the class to read each dilemma, wind them up with some antagonistic questions, and then unleash awesome whole class debates! Already dozens of people from your village are brutally killed. This type of thing happens all the time. This is another problem that will make a lot of people think long and hard before answering, especially if they're pet lovers. Why hiring managers ask this question. Cheating is something that is all too common in relationships today, and most of us have experienced it in some way, if not in our own relationships then in the relationships of our friends. Read more The ethics issue: Should we make everyone ‘normal’? The money is used to buy clothes, food, and books to help the kids in school. This might just be one of the most awkward situations possible. Reporting on what you care about. World-imposed moral dilemmas. Types of Moral Dilemmas. Here's another interesting problem that some of you might have trouble deciding on. How Many Kids Are In Your Future? Your niece is a very poor swimmer and likely won't make it much longer. Your instinct is to tell your best friend about his husband's infidelities, but divulging the contents of company emails is against company policy and you could lose your job. Many people see themselves as animal lovers, and yet they eat meat and consume animal products. You're not sure why she thinks she hit the person, but she is convinced. This book takes you on an adventure through creative writing. Tell your best friend; sure the day will be ruined, but better a day ruined than an entire life. Moral Dilemmas for Teenagers. But I’m confident that you’ll enjoy these a whole lot more than any other ethical training you’ve ever experienced. Is this you right now?. Unlike adults, teenagers don't have the maturity to deal with numerous moral dilemmas that confront them as they grow up. They want to know if your moral standards align with those of the company and if you have ethical solutions to problems that you face. How do you punish different crimes? There's only you, the woman, and the person you hit on the road; there are no witnesses. It is her tenth birthday and he’s promised her that she can choose any 5 rides. Would you drop the bomb? He says that if you don’t do so, the guard will kill not only your son who tried to escape, but also your other son, … Friends Trivia: Did Phoebe Buffay Say This? Obviously, no one wants to be left at the altar. Your daughter and your niece, both 7, are best friends and eager to get into the water. (Source: PsychoPixi), You and your son are prisoners at a concentration camp. If you tell your friend about the affair, their day will be ruined, but you don't want them to marry a cheater. CLICK the image to access our free online learning materials in Ethics. Intermediate Level >> Conversation Materials/Surveys/Pairwork Activities >> A list of moral dilemmas for students to discuss, whilst practising the second conditional. This might seem like a very good thing to do to you. What we … You're taking your first brake when you notice your best friend in a sound lifeboat with only nine people in it and he beckons you to swim over and join them so you won't have to keep bailing out water. If you're evil on the inside, chances are you already know deep down. That's a lot of people's worst fear. Moral *Dilemma* questions? People end up getting dogs without training them properly, and they become a threat to people around them. Situation 1: There is a trolley coming down the tracks and ahead, there are five people tied to the tracks and are unable to move. Something went wrong. If you leave the people in the sinking boat, they will only be able to stay afloat for two hours instead of five, decreasing their chance of being rescued, but securing yours. You are the only swimmer strong enough to save them, but you can only save one at a time. You have two choices: (a) Do nothing and the five people will die (b) Or pull the lever and save the five people, but that one person will die. How do you determine truth? Did you make y… 10 ethical questions, answered. It's really hard to figure out what decision is right or wrong. After that person's 10-minute rest, he or she will get back to work while another person rests, and so on. After releasing the email, you find yourself in a pickle. Take this poll to see how your answers to these classic moral dilemmas compare to everyone else's. Please try again later. Looks like we are having a problem on the server. Save your niece first and hope that your daughter can hold on long enough for you to come back for her. Obsessed with travel? Confess your responsibility; you wouldn't be able to live with the guilt of an innocent person being in jail for a crime you committed. An individual must resolve a moral dilemma, even though the cause of it is beyond his/her control. After all, who the hell has ever been given the choice to accept a bonus or split it with their co-workers? But what would you do? Obligation moral dilemmas If more people thought and acted in the same way, societies would probably be happier and safer. Here's another interesting problem that most of you might have some trouble deciding on. But what about the guilt? You son tried to escape but was recaptured and sentenced to hang at the gallows. What would you do? Get ready to challenge yourself with some of the hardest (and definitely weirdest) ethical questions you’ve ever seen! You made it to the end! This is one of the oldest moral dilemmas in the book. 1) Someone you work with is never very nice to you. How much should the rich be taxed? The purpose of this question is to see what your morals and values are as an employee. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. If you never want to find out your true self, don't bother taking this quiz. The Trapped Mining Crew. This is a tough one, and although it might seem like something that doesn't really require much ethical or moral thinking, you'd be wrong. Everyone knows what it's like to make a mistake at work. Keep patient 6 comfortable, but do not give him the medical care that could save his life in order to save the other five patients. When it comes to moral quandaries, the thou shalt-nots are no-brainers. As soon as they tire, move onto the next one. This one is a little like the trolley car problem, with some notable differences. You might have faced a similar problem in your own life. California residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. Many times, these dilemmas involve a morally wrong decision that produces a desirable result, or vice versa. Stay in your boat and hope that you are all rescued in five hours time, before the boat sinks and you all drown. Tell your best friend; sure the day will be ruined, but better a day ruined than an entire life. Yes; your loyalty to your best friend eclipses any company policy. What's your speed? Just wanted your opinions on them. There are a lot of ethical dilemmas that people can find themselves in, and they need to make a decision that not only affects them but those around them. What this question is basically asking is, "Is it better to get acknowledged for work you didn't do, or is it better to learn from all your hard work? GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, are a major issue today. Talking to a boring person can be pretty annoying, especially if you're trying to keep a straight face and pretend like you're interested in what they're saying. But which will you choose? But if you really want to dig deep, finding out your true self and who you really are underneath it all, then you need to take this quiz. Because he's the leader, you would expect him to do the right thing and sacrifice himself for the group, which is the right thing. c. there is a genuine moral dilemma, but it can be resolved without residue. Do you tell him about the indiscretion? Here's another situation where you'll have to decide on whether to save only one of two very tempting things. This question might remind you of the age old fictional character, Robin Hood, who robs from the rich and gives to the poor. Should there even be different punishments? We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. Question Title * 1. A baby has more life to live, so it would seem like the right choice. Sometimes the right choice is very hard to see. Would you take the opportunity? (Source: PsychoPixi), You've been on a cruise for two days when there's an accident that forces everyone on board to abandon ship. You live in a remote village that is being ransacked by a notorious group of people. All we can really do is try. But nevertheless, which would you choose? It's tough, but would exactly would you do in this situation? You can tell it's unlikely s/he will pull through. You caution them to wait until the water calms some, but they defy you and sneak in anyway. But what if you had the opportunity to get out of military service based on a mistake? What do you do? This is a moral dilemma that isn't just some theoretical mumbo jumbo, as it actually affects us in real life. But how far are you willing to go to get rich? If you pull the lever, the train will be directed to another track, which has ONE person tied to it. Teaching morals through games is more apt to hold your child's attention than a lecture on the difference between right and wrong. This should keep the boat from sinking long enough for a rescue team to find you as long as it happens within five hours. At the end of WW2, America was faced with a moral dilemma. Are you willing to break the law? After all, who the hell has ever been given the choice to accept a bonus or split it with their co-workers? (Source: Listverse), Your family is vacationing alone on a private stretch of beach with no lifeguard. What would you do? This situation actually comes up quite a lot in today's world, sadly enough. Incorrect. But there are those people who don't try to do the right thing, and it's very obvious who these people are. But as they approach the gate, he discovers that he’s forgotten his wallet. 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